Promusicae always supporting Spanish music

Promusicae removes its traditional album chart during the coronavirus crisis


The practical impossibility of selling physical copies during the weeks of lockdown leaves the more traditional chart of the record companies temporarily out of date

Promusicae will stop publishing this week, for the first time in its history and while the current State of Alarm lasts, the chart of the best-selling albums in Spain, the most traditional and historically consulted classification in its charts.

The decision comes propitiated by the present crisis of the coronavirus that has forced to the closing of the physical stores, whereas the sale of discs by physical mail or courier is almost testimonial since they are not products of first necessity for the subsistence. The losses due to this fact have already been announced and are estimated at 40 million euros, almost half of the annual turnover of the sector for the sale of music on physical recordings.

The decision of the association that brings together more than 95 percent of Spanish record producers also extends to two other charts, those of musical DVDs and compilations, also focused on the physical market, although these are specific charts of much lesser incidence in global terms. Once this extraordinary stopover ends and shops can reopen, Promusicae and AGEDI are already working on the idea of merging the chart of physical albums (CDs and vinyl) and streaming albums, to achieve a single chart that reflects the consumption of music in its entirety among Spanish fans.

In any case, and while the sale of music in physical format is almost irrelevant due to the current circumstances, the reference chart for consulting the behaviour of the Spanish music market will be the Top 100 Streaming Albums. It reflects in an extraordinarily precise way the recent works that, in these moments of reclusion, are attracting more attention among the users of our country.

The global crisis resulting from the Covid-19 has led many artists to postpone the releases they had planned for these weeks by two or three months, while some have preferred to keep the original dates to meet, even though the digital consumption channel, the expectations of their fans.

However, as revealed by Promusicae in an emergency report last week, streaming music consumption has decreased in Spain because of the proliferation of home entertainment offers and the elimination of urban travel routes, which were very conducive to the enjoyment of digital music. According to the same analysis by the economic department of Promusicae, the coronavirus crisis will translate into a total loss for the recording industry estimated at more than 100 million euros in 2020.

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